
Oticon More™ with BrainHearing™ technology takes hearing healthcare to a new level.

A new hearing aid designed to support your brain for better hearing with less effort.

How do digital hearing aids work?

Hearing aids work by amplifying sound via a three-component system:

  • Microphone – receives the soundwaves and converts them into electrical signals
  • Amplifier – increases the strength of the sound signals and sends them to the ear
  • Receiver/speaker – converts the amplified electrical signal into sound and delivers it into the ear canal

Digital hearing aids have features that can automatically adjust the volume and listening programs based on different listening environments.

Rechargeable hearing aids

Rechargeable hearing aids are often referred to as hearing aids without batteries. Hearing aids with rechargeable batteries benefit the environment. You no longer need to buy an endless supply of batteries. Rechargeable hearing aids work similarly to rechargeable batteries. Instead of charging the batteries, you simply charge the entire hearing device on its mobile charging pod that comes with them.

Hearing aid batteries

Hearing aid batteries are a crucial part of the hearing device. A new hearing aid battery will last between three and ten days before you need to replace it. The lifetime of the battery depends on multiple factors, including the hearing aid type, battery type and capacity, and how much you use it.

How to buy the right hearing aids for your needs

Buying hearing aids online or over-the-counter (OTC) without a professional hearing assessment* may seem to be an easy and quick option. However, OTC options rob you of choosing a device that is best for your needs, with help from an experienced professional who is licensed by your state to dispense the best quality and trusted products.

In order to get a hearing aid that best meets your unique hearing needs, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Do some quick research by checking out various the different types of hearing aids online and see what appeals to you.

Step 2 – Make an appointment with a hearing care expert where you can check your hearing and try on different types of hearing aids.

Step 3 – Choose the best hearing aid that suits your needs with the help of your hearing care expert.

Step 4 – Let the hearing care expert fit the chosen hearing aid to your unique hearing needs.

Step 5 – Purchase your hearing aids and wear them at home as a part of your everyday routine. Also, follow any additional steps or recommendations given by your hearing healthcare provider.

Step 6 – If you aren’t satisfied, return them and try another type or model if needed. Know we are here for you, and you can come for adjustments if needed.

Getting hearing aids repaired

Like any device, hearing aids may need troubleshooting or repair from time to time for several reasons. You might consider one of several options when having a problem with hearing aids:

  • Quick fixes – Sometimes routine cleaning and maintenance can fix the issue. We offer a wide array of self-help videos and other tutorials.
  • Hearing aid repair – HearingLife works closely with device manufacturers and may send them out for repairs.
  • Replacing your hearing aids – If your hearing aids are beyond repair due to visible damage, extensive repair history, or because they are too old to fix, replacing them might be your best option.

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals.